CO2 Car
Full Name JJ Johnson
Location United States
Company SeeMeCNC
CO2 Car.stl8581.2 MBon 1/11/13 Download
CO2 Car Render.jpg131713 kBon 1/11/13 Download
3D Printed CO2 Car.JPG26621333 kBon 1/11/13 Download
CO2 Car.stl8781.2 MBon 1/11/13 Download
CO2 Car Render.jpg115713 kBon 1/11/13 Download
3D Printed CO2 Car.JPG5951333 kBon 1/11/13 Download
In our Introduction to Design classes, students have been learning a nine step design process and the fundamentals of Autodesk Inventor. Their culminating project involves designing and building a CO2 car given a set of specification. I must say, the project is motivating for students. Creativity, engineering skills, and attention to detail are all areas exposed by this project. Yesterday though, we raised the bar, we printed a full scale, fully functional design of a CO2 car! The students were blown away! The realization of being able to manipulate, a real life 3D printed model within an extremely short period of time had students relating the project to the design process, and how they could now test the design, and then make improvements. As teachers, we call that the aha moment. They all want theirs printed now. I foresee many hours of printing in the future, and then on to the next project.
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