Business card - Layer selective colour 3D printing
Full Name Richard Horne (RichRap)
Location UK
businesscard.stl1163409 kBon 29/5/14 Download
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I wanted to experiment using my Filament joiner to make prints that had different coloured finishing layers (at different heights) on an object. A business card seemed a suitable object to start with as I could place things and text onto it and vary the height of each object. My Very first 3D Printing design and creation uploaded originally to Thingiverse on July 1st 2011 This uses joined pieces of filament the correct length so colour changes happen on layers in the print, the text and objects on the business card are different heights (from 0.8mm to 3mm) so as each layer ends it has a different colour. See my blog for further details.
- Use Different filement colours and types - cut to size - feed into Extruder - Enjoy :)
Attribution - Share Alike - Creative Commons
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