Stegosaurus - sliced
Full Name Richard Horne (RichRap)
Location UK
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I chopped him in half, printed it and stuck him back together! It's printed with Faberdashery PRINCELY PURPLE and MELLOW YELLOW because everyone needs a Purple and yellow dinosaur in their life! Thanks to Hurtzmyhead for a great low-poly model, it looks really Fab!
Remixed From Stegosaurus by Hurtzmyhead This was printed without any support material at 60mm/sec print speed 0.5mm nozzle and 0.3mm layer Chopped in half and scaled with Netfabb and Sliced with SF41. He is 1.5 X bigger than the original as a weedy dino is not as much fun. When printing the Bottom half the back fins will sag as they are not supported, he looks ok, so give it a try.
Attribution - Creative Commons
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