Project Box for Digilent WF32 - Multiple Lid Designs
Full Name _MF
Location Pullman, WA
Company Digilent Inc.
Bottom_Half_Complete.stl2796328 kBon 10/6/15 Download
Top_Solid_fixed.stl285345 kBon 10/6/15 Download
Top_Vented_fixed.stl311738 kBon 10/6/15 Download
Top_thicker_fixed.stl292427 kBon 10/6/15 Download
WF32_project1.jpg2331197 kBon 10/6/15 Download
WF32_project2.jpg2355228 kBon 10/6/15 Download
WF32_project3.jpg2347190 kBon 10/6/15 Download
This is a project box for Digilent's WF32 microcontroller. It leaves all of the important ports open for easy access. Different lid designs are available depending on your needs. Leave any feedback below and be sure to to upload pictures of your prints! Edit: Added a thicker lid piece that seems to seat better than the original.
Attribution - Creative Commons
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