Halloween Candle Carousel
halloween_candle_carousel.stl2186836 kBon 29/10/15 Download
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This Candle Carousel is designed to spin and cat shadows onto a sheet of (wax) paper. This gives an illusion of witches and ghosts flying by. This can either be placed within a fairly large pumpkin, or a box of some sort with a hole cut in the side covered by a sheet of some kind of paper.
Print and assemble the components. The circles in the base are sized to tea-light candles (about 1.5 inches). The heat of the candle flames will cause the air above to rise and spin the fan blades. The fan blades fit into the small shafts, which fit into the larger holes in the spindle cap. Be sure the blades are angled about 30-45 degrees. The four arms hook into the smaller holes in the spindle cap unit. The ring sits on the bottom of the extended arms. The silhouetted characters are hooked onto the little keys, which are placed just behind the ring on the arms. The spindle needle fits on top of the candle base (this may need to be glued in place to remain steady). Place candles in the base unit. The spindle cap is placed over the spindle needle. Light the candles and wait a few seconds. The carousel should start to spin. Note: There is definitely a risk of the fan blades melting out of shape. They may need to be designed a little bit thicker, or printed with a heat-resistant material. You may also be able to substitute some kind of aluminum pie tin cut into fan blades, or thin balsa wood fan blades should work as well.
Attribution - Non-Commercial - Creative Commons
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