XYZ Calibration block

Calibration-test block for 3D printers.
Useful for setting the X, Y, and Z stepsize on 3D printers. Print this object, then measure the dimensions of each step. Create a data table like so, in mm:
# dim X Y Z
5 4.91 5.01 4.95
10 9.95 10.15 9.90
... etc ...
Use this data table to plot actual dimension vs. desired dimension, for all three axes. Do a least-squares fit on that data: the slope should be exactly 1.000.
If the slope is different from 1.000 on any axis (and it will be!) then use the slope to correct the stepsize on that axis. For example: if X slope is 9.95, then multiply your x stepsize by 1000/995.
Attribution - Creative Commons
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