PMOD CLS holder for Digilent Robotics Platform
Full Name _MF
Location Pullman, WA
Company Digilent Inc.
clsholder1.jpg995114 kBon 10/6/15 Download
clsholder12.jpg1077128 kBon 10/6/15 Download
clsholder3.jpg1016124 kBon 10/6/15 Download
pmod_cls_holder.stl91724 kBon 10/6/15 Download
pmod_cls_holder.skp94843 kBon 10/6/15 Download
I found that the best/fastest method of printing is laying it flat on it's back with support material. This minimizes the amount of support you would need versus printing it vertical.
I found that the best/fastest method of printing is laying it flat on it's back with support material. This minimizes the amount of support you would need versus printing it vertical.
Attribution - Creative Commons
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