Freddy Krueger Nightmare on Elm Street Clipz right in time for Halloween
Location Florida
Freddy r3 hat pic 1.jpg429647 kBon 18/10/15 Download
Freddy r3 hat pic 2.jpg419043 kBon 18/10/15 Download
Freddy r3 hat.stl42671.3 MBon 18/10/15 Download
This is another clipz for snack bags, halloween treat bags, or anything to be sealed. The design can be changed around but goal is to keep likeness of Freddy. Just take two fingers and squeeze together to have hat lift up to accept your bag in need. I will upload pictures later of prints made so far, just need to give them some acetone bath time.
When done printing just wiggle slightly when doing first opening in case any bridging has stuck a little. I do all my printing of these clipz with ABS and 100% infill so your results could vary depending on how you slice it. REMEMBER! FLIP 180 TO GET ON RIGHT SIDE!!
Attribution - Creative Commons
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