Spectre 007 James Bond Clipz Ready for Candy and Chip Bags This Halloween
Location Florida
halloween clipz idea old spectre.jpg9431.2 MBon 22/10/15 Download
spectre and 007.jpg10151.7 MBon 22/10/15 Download
spectre logo mid clipz.stl958259 kBon 22/10/15 Download
spectre logo mid standard.stl1030258 kBon 22/10/15 Download
Keeping with the James Bond theme here is an old style Spectre Clipz design. In case you are wondering what Spectre is, it is the evil organization that James Bond confronts from time to time. It is headed by the guy with a scar across his eye that pets a white fluffy cat. Was spoofed with movie series Austin Powers. If you do not get it by now come on...
There are two different STL files uploaded, one has a tighter fit while other has a looser fit. One is for thinner bags and materials while other is for larger items needing more space. I used my favorite 3/8" thickness but if you want thinner you can just scale the Z axis alone to decrease thickness before slicing and printing. Enjoy!
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